Tanis is one of the world’s leading suppliers of complete production lines for making gums and jellies. Having been in the industry over 25 years, we’re familiar with the challenges our customers face and the opportunities they want to realize. Every element of our equipment and services, is designed to meet those needs. We understand that delivering quality candy products with active substances needs a different approach. Nutraceutical gummies require a very specific balance that maintains active ingredient efficacy, ensures accurate dosing, masks unpleasant flavors and avoids cross-contamination.
That is why we have bundled our expertise in this area within Tanis OTC Candy Equipment. We design and develop creative and effective solutions for the production of active candy by supplying custom-made production equipment. We process equipment supplier that focuses on the supplements, vitamins, CBD and OTC (over-the-counter) market. We design and supply plants for the production of active candy, like vitamins, CBD or even pain relievers candies.